le terre della CaroleA

Le Terre della Carolea

The main ingredient of the company are these wonderful uncontaminated expanses of DEA CAROLEA’s centuries-old olive trees which generate fantastic drupes.

Another driving force are the company workers and all those who contribute to bringing this healthy nectar to your tables.

Then there is this visceral and “genuine” passion which is like a mountain stream, it does not allow obstacles, with a project based on love towards one’s territory, towards these plants blessed by the Lord, respecting nature and the environment that surrounds us.

Pietro Gullo
“il Professore”

Author and Sommelier 

Where it all beganTeacher of literary subjects, scholar and enthusiast of olive growing and a life entirely dedicated to the olive tree and its precious nectar.

Author of several literary works, among them: “Il Talamo di Ulisse” (2000) and the very recent masterpiece “L’ampolla di Nausicaa” (2016).

A professor known for his perspicacity, passion and wisdom, he was and is a point of reference and inspirational beacon for everyone.

«Calabria has the paternity of extra virgin olive oil and the paternity of the Mediterranean diet; it is time, therefore, to give the right recognition and commercial value to our precious yellow gold».

Katia Risoleo
“Sole Administrator”

A Calabrian woman with a distinctive charisma and a strong personality, she manages this wonderful agricultural company in a brilliant way and projects herself into the future, aware that only through the continuous search for absolute quality is it possible to create products of “safe” value. “Health is defended at the table” and “We are what we eat” are his main beliefs. Calabrian cuisine, claims Katia, due to the authenticity and health value of its ingredients, ennobled by the presence and use of extra virgin olive oil, falls by right and in fact into the national culinary competition, embodying all the gastronomic precepts that are identified with the Mediterranean diet.

Soc. Agricola Le Terre della Carolea Srls

Via P. Sgrò 181 – 88025 – San Pietro a Maida (CZ) Italy

Infoline: +39 340 8128408 – info@leterredellacarolea.it

Iniziativa finanziata dal FEARS

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design: studiorocca